EBSN Association
The Association is European Beat Studies Network, e.V, where V stands for Verein, the German word for association, which is used because it has been registered in Germany. By existing as a legally registered association, the EBSN enjoys charitable status and can carry out financial transactions using its own bank account.
By completing a very simple form, which includes a standard GDPR (data protection) statement, you will be able to join the Association at any time, for free.
Association members will be entitled to vote on agenda items at the AGM, vote to elect the Board, and stand for election to the Board.
From its inception in 2012, a Board has appointed members based on expertise and willingness to help run the EBSN in various roles: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Membership Officer, Webmaster, and so on. The Board has also recruited other EBSN members willing to do important tasks, such as posting materials on the website and helping with communications.
Two members of the Board will be up for election each year. This is to enable the wider membership to confirm Board members and/or propose new Board members annually. All members of the Association will be entitled to vote in Board elections. The Election Rules, Articles of Association, and other documents for members can be found below.
The nomination process is now closed, as of 20 December 2024. The following is a list of the nominees. More information coming soon!
Nominees for Vice-President
Nominees for Director/Membership Officer
Join the EBSN Association and become a member of the EBSN with full voting rights