Barry Miles has been working with and writing about the Beat Generation since 1960 when he first published Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti in his art college magazine. Ginsberg first stayed with him in London in 1965, when the Albert Hall Poetry reading was organised and Miles published his Cambodian Journals in Long Hair magazine the same year. Also that year he published a piece by Burroughs in the Darazt Anthology. He is the author of A Catalogue of the William S. Burroughs Archive (1973); William S. Burroughs, a Bibliography 1953-1973 [with Joe Maynard], (1978) Allen Ginsberg, Beat Poet (1989, 2010); William Burroughs: El Hombre Invisible (1993); Jack Kerouac, King of the Beats (1999); The Beat Hotel: Ginsberg, Burroughs and Corso in Paris, 1957-1963 (2000); In The Sixties (2002); Bukowski (2006); London Calling, a Countercultural History of London Since 1945 (2010); In the Seventies (2011); Call Me Burroughs / William S. Burroughs, a Life (2014) as well as many books on rock ‘n’ roll and popular culture. He has also written numerous pamphlets and articles on the Beats, conducted interviews with them, curated shows of their photographs and paintings, and produced recordings by Burroughs, Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti, McClure, Charles Olson, Richard Brautigan and others. He lives in London. His website is at

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