Bertrand Agostini
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Bertrand Agostini is a retired Associate Professor of Intercultural Communication from ICN Business School, Nancy, France. In 1991, he completed a PhD on Jack Kerouac entitled : La notion de souffrance dans l’œuvre romanesque de Jack Kerouac / The Notion of Suffering in the Novels of Jack Kerouac: Origins and Evolution. He co-authored a book on Kerouac’s haiku (Jack Kerouac et le haïku : Itinéraire dans l’errance / Jack Kerouac and the Haiku : A Wandering Itinerary) published in 1998 and reprinted in 2018. In 2006, he translated and wrote the foreword for Jack Kerouac’s Book of Haiku (Livre de haïku). He also wrote a few articles both on Kerouac’s haiku and on the history of French haiku (in Modern Haiku notably). Some of his own haikus were published in French anthologies. He was invited to talk about Jack Kerouac’s novels and haiku work in several international conferences in France and in the United States, on French radio programs, and Internet websites . Bertrand Agostini is currently working on the influence of Buddhism in Jack Kerouac’s haiku.
Aside from his interest in Jack Kerouac, Bertrand Agostini is also a dedicated musician specialized in ragtime, blues and early jazz, and plays guitar and sings in two quartets.
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