Brenda Frazer (Bonnie Bremser)
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Brenda Frazer born 1939 on Mozart Place in Washington DC.
I had no aspirations to be a writer until it became an extremely necessary form of self-expression. But I had been fascinated about the truth of life I read in books, mostly novels of my own choosing. Libraries were my playground. It is no surprise I was caught up in the romance of the poet, Ray Bremser, and his friends in the literary underworld of the Beat Generation. My love for Ray gave me the experiences writers crave to write about. But for me they were the stuff of tragedy and it was pain that made me a writer. I wrote TROIA in 1963 when my husband was in jail and my oldest daughter was lost to me.
My subsequent years were an effort to build a more secure life and to salvage the wreckage, first with partners and then on my own as a mother and a grandmother. I can’t complain, for all in all writing became my main objective and my experience taught me how.
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