Brian Reffin Smith
EBSN members & friends
Brian Reffin Smith is a British artist, writer and musician with degrees in both science and art. He won the first ever Prix Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria, in 1987. Working with computers and creativity since the late 1960s, he is regarded as a pioneer of computer based conceptual art. He sometimes played sixth clarinet in the notorious Portsmouth Sinfonia and became a Zombie in 1998 after a botched heart operation. He taught at the Royal College of Art and the École nationale supérieure d’art, Bourges, France. He is involved in ‘Pataphysics (holding the Regent’s Chair of Catachemistry and Speculative Metallurgy in the Collège de ‘Pataphysique, Paris), in unsystematic systems and irreproducible repetition, and lives in Berlin.
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