Carol Criss
EBSN members & friends
Carol Criss holds a Master’s Degree in History from the University of Michigan and is an independent scholar. Her current interests and research focus include the lesser known Beat Generation writers and artists. Projects comprise archival and bibliographic preparation of writers’ work and recording oral histories of various members of that literary movement, both in Greenwich Village and San Francisco, those still alive and the colleagues, friends and family of those now deceased. She is also a Wikipedia editor, writing articles on writers and artists neglected in the scholarship of the Beat era. As a literary agent and publicist, she represents Bay Area poets Clive Matson and Joan Gelfand. Her areas of focus include the artist Erin Black Matson, writer Irving Rosenthal, poet John Wieners and the inspiration of the Beat movement, Herbert Huncke. In her spare time, she writes poetry and is currently working on a memoir of 1968. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.
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