Daniel Schulz
EBSN members & friends
I’ve currently finished my Masters Degree in History and English Studies. I am a writer and researcher based in Cologne. In 2015 directed and wrote a play called “Humanity Incorporated”, which I performed at the 100° Festival in Berlin, at the Hebbel am Ufer. I’m known for a short story collection called “Schrei”, the short story “Thoughts on Jeanne Duval” published in The Transnational No. 5,. Dodie Bellamy published my cut-up piece “American Carnage” in Mirage #5, last year in May. – After having performed the inventory of Kathy Acker’s personal library at the University of Cologne in 2017, I am also known as the curator of the Kathy Acker Reading Room.
My primary focus is the literature of Kathy Acker and William S. Burroughs, both as an academic, as well as a writer. akin to that is my interest for the poetry of Allen Ginsberg and Gregory Corso, but also the work of Jürgen Ploog as well as Dodie Bellamy (who does not belong to the Beats, I know, but her Cunt-Ups are fabulous).
I believe that Burroughs and Gysin’s cut-up method is perhaps the only artistic methodology we have left in this new modern age, to perform a detournement on politics, especially, fascist politics. I’m especially relating this to the essay “From Watergate to Eden”.
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