Davide Crimi
EBSN members & friends
Davide Crimi was born in 1965 in Catania, under the volcano Etna. He studied politics, economics, anthropology and religion. Engaged in development policies at the local level, has specific skills for building partnerships and sharing of information and documents, both at the strategic and managerial level. He worked on the spiritual side of art, exploring the way through collaborations with Luigi Moraldi (on the writings of Qumran and Nag Hammadi and Gnosticism), Rabbi Luciano Caro (Torah and kabbalistic interpretation), Dervish Burahnuddhin (Sufi Islamic tradition Naqshabandi), Liza Lewelyn (Universal Order of the Morning Star) and Sam Webster (Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn).
Fluent writer, he has written books, composed paintings and songs.
Davide Crimi has worked in several European cooperation projects, both as project manager and as an intellectual and artistic contributor, organizer of several magazines and publications (EUR / OPEN, Encelado, etc.). The most advanced synthesis is the project M Foundation, a library that collects different editions of the Mediterranean Sacred Books of the traditions Hebrew, Christian and Islamic. Collected books are sources in the original languages ​​(Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Arabic) translated into major European languages ​​(English, French, Italian). This center houses a section of fine arts and experimental workshop called Atelier Thelema.
M FOUNDATION is a place of exchange, travel, cultural and artistic interaction for the mutual understanding between East and West.
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