Davis Schneiderman

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Davis Schneiderman is a multimedia artist and writer and the author or editor of eight print and audio works, including the novels Drain (TriQuarterly/Northwestern) and Abecedarium (Chiasmus) and the forthcoming blank novel, Blank: a novel (Jaded Ibis). He is often accused of being a Burroughsian writer, as in this blurb from Michael Joyce for his novel Drain:

 “Think the poetic stew/spew of an illegitimate son of Wm. Burroughs and K. Acker in a mid-21st century Midwest comix reverie of punk hoodlums as if fashioned by Elmore Leonard gone mad as Lear upon Mackinac Island…and you’ve almost got what Schneiderman’s fashioned in Drain; a headily obscene (in the root sense) tour de-literal- force beyond anything you can, or perhaps ought to, imagine, but which you will not forget.”

 —Michael Joyce, author of was: annales nomadique, a novel of internet

Schneiderman’s critical work on William S. Burroughs includes the co-edited collection Retaking the Universe: William S. Burroughs in the Age of Globalization (Pluto 2004); and recent essays in Naked Lunch @ 50: Anniversary Essays (2009) and in the collection Federman’s Fictions: Innovation, Theory and the Holocaust.

Schneiderman is also co-editor of The Exquisite Corpse: Chance and Collaboration in Surrealism’s Parlor Game (Nebraska); as well as the audiocollage Memorials to Future Catastrophes (Jaded Ibis). His other work has appeared in numerous publications including Fiction InternationalThe Chicago Tribune, The Iowa Review, TriQuarterly, and Exquisite Corpse, and he contributes to bigother.com and thenervousbreakdown.com.

He is Chair of the English Department at Lake Forest College, and also Director of Lake Forest College Press/&NOW Books. He edits The &NOW AWARDS: The Best Innovative Writing.




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