harriet nachtmann

EBSN members & friends

harriet nachtmann studied comparative literature and french at the university of vienna and at the sorbonne in paris.

managing director of the vienna poetry school (sfd), and in charge of production. along with analog and digital classes, the poetry school organizes symposia, concerts, readings, discussions, round tables, lectures, exhibitions, presentations and multimedia performances. at the sfd, founded in 1991/92, amongst various renowned writers and artists from austria and all over the world, american greats like allen ginsberg, ed sanders, anne waldman and ruth weiss held classes and/or lectures/readings/performances. the sfd will co-organize the ebsn conference in 2018 in vienna.

vienna poetry school – schule für dichtung http://www.sfd.at
schule für dichtung on facebook http://www.facebook.com/poetryschool
schule für dichtung on twitter http://twitter.com/viennapoetry

“i’m interested in your efforts to found a poetry school in
vienna. if it is done so that the teachers themselves have accomplished
some ‘notable work’ of poetry, it can be a useful
community with practical results in knowledge & inspiration.”
allen ginsberg, 1991

“the schule für dichtung has given new dimension to the
possibilities of infra-structure poetics, which to my mind is a
poetics of creating a space available […] essentially to all who
would want to join a work-in-progress, a temporary autonomous
zone that has an ethos that runs parallel […] to the
anne waldman, 2012 on the occasion of 20 years vienna poetry school

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