Jean-Christophe Cloutier
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Jean-Christophe Cloutier is assistant professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania, and currently a Hutchins Fellow at Harvard University. He is the editor of the original French writings of Jack Kerouac, La vie est d’hommage (Boréal, 2016), and his English translations of Kerouac’s two French novellas, “The Night is My Woman” (La nuit est ma femme) and “On the Road: Old Bull in the Bowery” (Sur le chemin), appear in the volume The Unknown Kerouac: Rare, Unpublished & Newly Translated Writings (ed. Todd Tietchen, Library of America 2016), along with his translator’s introduction. He has also co-edited Claude McKay’s Amiable with Big Teeth (Penguin Classics, 2017), and acted as consultant and contributor for the Art Institute of Chicago exhibition, Invisible Man: Gordon Parks and Ralph Ellison in Harlem, and its accompanying catalogue published by Steidl in 2016. He received his PhD from Columbia University where he also interned as an archivist and processed the papers of Samuel Roth, Erica Jong, and Barney Rosset, among others. His work has been featured in The New York Times, The New York Review of Books, The Times Literary Supplement (TLS), The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Atlantic, Hyperallergic, The Huffington Post, BOMB magazine, The Village Voice, The Lost Angeles Review of Books, Le Monde, Maclean’s, Le Devoir, La Presse, Les Lettres Françaises, InRoads Journal, and several other media outlets. His articles, reviews, and translations have also appeared in Novel, Modernism/modernity, Cinema Journal, Public Books, A Time for the Humanities, and elsewhere.
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