Joan Qionglin Tan
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Joan Tan is professor of the College of Foreign Languages at Hunan University, China, a fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society in the UK and Director of The Center for Gary Snyder Studies. She received her Ph.D. in English in 2008 from the University of Wales, where she has recently been a part-time lecturer at the Centre for Chinese Studies. She is currently carrying on her research on Gary Snyder’s ecopoetics and Han Shan’s revival as an honorary research fellow in the English Department at the University of Wales.
Research Interests
comparative studies on ecopoetics and ekphrasis; the Beat Generation; literature, culture & adaptation
Funded Projects:
Qionglin Tan, Towards Gary Snyder’s Buddhist Ecopoetics and the De-romanticizing of Oriental Culture in His Works, sponsored by the Ministry of Education, China, 2009, RMB 70,000.
Qionglin Tan and Deng Chen, Comprehensive English Web-Course for English Majors, sub-project of New Epoch Web-based Courses Construction sponsored by the Ministry of Education, China and Higher Education Press, 2001-03, RMB 220,000.
Qionglin Tan and Deng Chen, Cultural Factors in the English Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry, approved by the Education Commission of Hunan Province, 1999.
Joan Qionglin Tan, Han Shan, Chan Buddhism and Gary Snyder’s Ecopoetic Way
(Brighton & Portland: Sussex Academic Press, 2009).
Caspar W. Weinberger, Fighting for Peace: Seven Critical Years in the Pentagon, trans.
by Qionglin Tan and others (Beijing: Xinhua Press, 1991).
Deng Chen and Qionglin Tan, Analysis of English-Chinese Translation Examples
(Changsha: Hunan University Press, 1997).
Qionglin Tan, ‘Ekphrasis: A New Disciplinary Science of Humanities’, English and American Literary Studies, 12 (2010), 301–19.
Qionglin Tan, ‘”The Power of Stillness” in Ezra Pound’s “Canto XLIX”‘, Foreign Literature Review, 2 (2010) 18–29.
Qionglin Tan, ‘A China Jar: The Trigger of “the Still Movement” in the Poetics of Ekphrasis’, Foreign Literature, 2 (2010), 75–83. [This article is also recorded and reprinted by Information Center for Social Sciences, RUC, Research on Foreign Literature, 8 (2010), 79–85.]
Qionglin Tan, ‘Ekphrasis and Adaptation: Keats’s Grecian Urn in Modern American Poetry’, Foreign Literature Studies, 32.2 (2010), 26–39.
Qionglin Tan, ‘A Song Handscroll Streams and Mountains Without End and Gary Snyder’s Ekphrastic Poem “Endless Streams and Mountains”: Perspectives on Guo Xi’s Essays on Landscape and its Embodiment in Modern American Painter Poems’, Journal of Foreign Languages 1 (2010), 54–62.
Joan Qionglin Tan, ‘Visualization and Gary Snyder’s Translation of Cold Mountain Poems’,
Journal of Translation Studies, 11.2 (2008), 31–53.
Qionglin Tan, ‘Perspectives on the Dialectic Process of Imagism’,
Journal of Hunan University, 15.2 (2001), 87–90.
Qionglin Tan, ‘The Influence of Metaphysics on Modern American Poetry’,
Journal of Hunan Teachers’ Institute, 1 (1997), 12–17.
Qionglin Tan, ‘Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese Metaphors’,
Journal of Hunan University, 1 (1997), 47–50.
Qionglin Tan, ‘Eugene O’Neil and the 1920s American Drama’,
Journal of Hunan University, 1 (1997), 56–59.
College of Foreign Languages
Hunan University
Changsha City, Hunan Province
China, 410082
[email protected]
0086-(0)731-88823884 (O)
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