Jonathan Daleo
EBSN members & friends
I am a Third Year Film and English student at University College Dublin. I wish to join the European Beat Studies Network and aspire to be a contributing member towards the study of the Beat Generation and its influence on society and culture. My introduction to the Beat Generation was through Burroughs, who I became a fan of through Interzone; his influence on Joy Division’s Ian Curtis; Ministry’s Al Jorgensen; and his collaborative album with The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy, Spare Ass Annie. Whilst my knowledge on the other beat writers such as Ginsberg; Kerouac and Karr is passing, I wish to learn much more about the literary circle through study and I have dedicated a significant amount of my time to reading their respective works. My particular interests lie in the Cyberpunk genre, and the influence of the Beats in regards to it.
In my personal life, I am in an Industrial band called ‘Less Than’, and I run an electronic body music radio station for my University called ‘Rivethead FM’. I enjoy making surrealist art, and my main muses are F.T Marinetti, Mayakovsky and Breton. I used to be a writer for my University newspaper where I wrote a book review of Interzone and Francis Bacon (an associate of Burroughs). A prized possession of mine is an autograph I received from Dr. Peter Weller, who gave me an autograph for free at a convention upon reading my article of Interzone, which he signed ‘Bill Lee’ (attached below). The closest thing I will ever have to an autograph by William S Burroughs.
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