Kamran Baradaran

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Kamran Baradaran is an Iranian author, critic, translator and journalist. He has translated works of philosophers including Jean Baudrillard, Antonio Gramsci, Paul Virilio and Slavoj Žižek into Persian. In the field of literature, he has translated works of Giles Cooper, Hector Munro, William Burroughs and Luigi Pirandello. Baradaran has also published a book on Écriture féminine titled Feminine Writing; Improvisation in the Mist. He works as a senior journalist specialising in international politics and his articles have appeared in Iran and around the world. His interviews with figures such as Jean-Luc Nancy, Simon Hajdini, Agon Hamza, Adrian Johnston, Robert Pfaller, Alan Shandro, Guy Standing, and Slavoj Žižek have appeared in international academic journals.

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