Lars Movin
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Independent writer, filmmaker and Beat scholar, graduated from the University in Odense, Denmark, in 1988, since then living and working in Copenhagen. He has published close to forty books (as author and/or editor) since 1990, a number of them on themes related to the Beat Generation. In 2008 he published the 670 page Beat, a general introduction to the Beats based, among other things, on interviews with a number of writers such as Carolyn Cassady, Allen Ginsberg, John Giorno, Joyce Johnson, Hettie Jones, Harold Norse, Ed Sanders and Gary Snyder. Among his later books are Allen Ginsberg i Danmark (2019) and William S. Burroughs – fra cut-ups til Shotgun Paintings (2021). He has also contributed to several anthologies, some of them in English – for instance The Routledge Handbook of International Beat Literature (ed. A. Robert Lee, 2018) and ruth weiss: Beat Poetry, Jazz, Art (ed. EstÃbaliz Encarnación-Pinedo & Thomas Antonic, 2021). Among his documentary films can be mentioned: Lowell Celebrates Kerouac (1998) and Word of Advice – William S. Burroughs on the Road (2008) (both in collaboration with Danish filmmaker Steen Møller Rasmussen). As a curator and lecturer, Lars Movin has been engaged in a number of exhibitions in Denmark of visual work by Burroughs and Ginsberg, and in several events at the Cinematheque in Copenhagen, involving screenings of films related to the Beats. Since 2017 he has been chairman of the Dan Turèll Society, a society dedicated to the legacy of the Danish Beat poet Dan Turèll (1946-1993).
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