Maria Vittoria D’Amico

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Full Professor of American Literature (University of Catania, Italy).  She has widely written on contemporary authors: a book on Thomas Pynchon’s short fiction, various essays on postmodern authors, such as Jerzy Kosinski, Gilbert Sorrentino, Raymond Federman, Coleman Dowell, William Gass,  and on American authors in the Mediterranean with a special focus on Paul Bowles. Beat Literature was one of the highlights of many courses she taught (Gregory Corso took part in a poetry workshop she organized in Catania, February 1988).


• “Willie Masters’ Lonesome Wife: William Gass’s Visual Experiment”, Literature and the Visual Arts in 20th Century America,  M. Bottalico, Bari, 2001, 65-81

• “Dr. Benway” [WILLIAM BURROUGHS]. Dizionario dei Personaggi Letterari, Autori Americani, Sezione Letteratura nordamericana” M. Materassi ed., Torino.2003,

•  “V.” [THOMAS PYNCHON].ibidem; pp. 1951-1952.

“Adams”, [HENRY BROOKS ADAMS]., ibidem; pp. 17-18

“Wisdom and Ecstasy: Paul Bowles in the Maghrib”, America and the Mediterranean, M. Bacigalupo ed., Otto editore, Torino, 2003, pp. 455-464;

..” The Mediteranean Education of American Artists -An Introduction”, in . America and the Mediteranean, Otto Editore, Torino, 2003, . pp. 452-454

“A Discourse on William Gass’s Tunneling: between History and Private History”, in America Today Highways and Labyrinths , G.Nocera ed., Siracusa 2003, 98-106;

“ Gilbert Sorrentino”.. In Ricciardi C. e  De Angelis V.M. eds., Voci dagli Stati Uniti: prosa, poesia, teatro del secondo Novecento, La Sapienza Roma, 2004, pp. 252-264.

“Moroccan City Lights: Paul Bowles’s Translations and Storytelling”, in  City Lights: Pocket Poets and Pocket Books, M.A. Stefanelli ed., IlaPalma, Roma-Sao Paulo, 2004, pp. 204-222;

—“’Baptism of Solitude’: Paul Bowles e l’aura del deserto”, in Tipologia del viaggio in letteratura, a cura di M.T. Chialant, Marsilio Editore, Venezia, 2006, 132-42.

“Una dimora nell’ignoto: alterità e metamorfosi degli erranti di Paul Bowles”,. LETTERATURE D’AMERICA. Vol. xxvi, 2006, pp. 109-139.

“Eretiche del potere: le dissidenti di Kate Chopin”. In Kate Chopin, Liza, Loka, Fedora e altre donne, M.Materassi (a cura di), Bari, 2008, pp. 118-141.

An awkward detour dal percorso dei padri: una lettura eccentrica della dissidenza di Mary Cappello”, in S. Costanzo ed., Dissidenze, Lippolis Editore, Messina, 2009, pp. 72-84;

“The Tangier Experience in The Exiles by Richard Harding Davis and in Let It Come Down by Paul Bowles”,  In  Performing Cultural Diversity/Critiquing Postcolonialism, Khalid Amine series ed.,. TETOUAN (Marocco),  Abdelmalek Essaadi University, 2010, . pp. 124-144.

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