Mark Jackson
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Dr. Mark Jackson is a Senior Lecturer in Fine Art Critical Theory and Curatorial Practices at Northumbria University, and Curator at IMT Gallery, London, since the gallery was founded in 2005, Curator at Gallery North, Newcastle, and part of the research group NEUSCHLOSS. His PhD at London College of Communication looked at the tape experiments of William S. Burroughs as a curatorial strategy in sound art. This research has led to a series of exhibitions drawing on Burroughs’ activity including Dead Fingers Talk: The Tape Experiments of William S. Burroughs at IMT Gallery and Galleri Box, Göteborg, Silencer at PayneShurvell, London, and Swarms of Black Flies Make the Rose Purple also at IMT Gallery. Related papers include “The Tape Experiments of William S. Burroughs as Curatorial Methodology” (Sound Art Curating / Curating Sound − Methodologies, Histories, Theories, Archives, Interactions, ZKM, Karlsruhe, 2013), “Ghost of an Image: The Haptic Images of William S. Burroughs and David Burrows” (Beyond the Cut-up: William S. Burroughs and the Image, The Photographers’ Gallery, London, 2014). Recent works include This is a game called ‘Hello, hello, here is X.X.’ a limited-edition artwork in the form of a vinyl made from a recorded interview between Burroughs and journalist Roger Clarke.
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