Mark Jacobs
EBSN members & friends
Mark Jacobs has lived in San Francisco, and occasionally New York, since 1965, along the way meeting William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, and Gregory Corso. Mark recently published a collection of autobiographical short stories, San Fran ‘60s, about San Francisco in the Sixties. It is the only literary fiction by a member of those spiritual descendants of the Beats, the core group of the Sixties Counter Culture.
After writing for the underground press in the Sixties (mostly the Berkeley Barb and the Los Angeles Free Press), Mark published regularly in the mainstream press in the Seventies, and in the Eighties had a book published by Doubleday on American cartoonists entitled Jumping Up and Down on the Roof, Throwing Bags of Water on People. He is now a retired English teacher living half the year in Oaxaca, Mexico.
San Fran ‘60s is number two on Kindle under “Haight Ashbury” and its sequel, More San Fran ‘60s, is number three.
Because the expert opinion of members of EBSN would be so valuable, Mark would gladly send to anyone interested a free special selection from both books as an MSWord file and/or as a PDF file.
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