Mary Paniccia Carden
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Mary Paniccia Carden is Professor of English and Chairperson of the Department of English and Philosophy at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, where she teaches courses in American literature. She is the author of Women Writers of the Beat Era: Autobiography and Intertextuality (University of Virginia Press 2018) and Sons and Daughters of Self-Made Men: Improvising Gender, Place, Nation in American Literature (Bucknell University Press 2010). She is co-editor of Doubled Plots: Romance and History (University Press of Mississippi 2003). Her essays on modern and contemporary American writers, including Louise Erdrich, Toni Morrison, William Faulkner, Willa Cather, John Edgar Wideman, Alice McDermott, Jack Kerouac and Diane di Prima have appeared in journals including Contemporary Literature, Modern Fiction Studies, Twentieth Century Literature, a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, and African American Review.
Mary Paniccia Carden est professeure d’anglais et présidente du département d’anglais et de philosophie de l’Université Edinboro de Pennsylvanie, où elle enseigne la littérature américaine. Elle est l’auteure Women Writers of the Beat Era: Autobiography and Intertextuality (University of Virginia Press 2018) et Sons and Daughters of Self-Made Men: Improvising Gender, Place, Nation in American Literature (Bucknell University Press 2010). Elle a co-édité Doubled Plots: Romance and History (University Press of Mississippi, 2003). Ses essais sur des écrivains américains modernes et contemporains, notamment Louise Erdrich, Toni Morrison, William Faulkner, Willa Cather, John Edgar Wideman, Alice McDermott, Jack Kerouac et Diane di Prima ont été publiés dans des revues telles que Contemporary Literature, Modern Fiction Studies, Twentieth Century Literature, a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, et African American Review.
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