Matías Carnevale

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Matías Carnevale has a BA in Literature from Universidad Nacional de San Martín and is currently doing his MA in Comparative Literature at Universidad Nacional de La Plata. He works as a cultural journalist an occasional translator. He has published interviews, articles and reviews in newspapers and magazines such as Buenos Aires HeraldLa voz del interiorLa Gaceta de TucumánRevista ÑLe monde diplomatique edición Cono Sur and Revista Be Cult.

In 2016 he published the only translation into Spanish there is of Heathcote Williams’ Autogeddon, and has also translated Edwin Morgan’s ‘The First Men on Mercury’ and Julian Barnes’ essay ‘A Life with Books’. He’s planning to work on a three-volume edition of Heathcote Williams’s poems and has started translating Jack Kerouac’s ‘cityCityCITY’, a weird science fiction short story never rendered into Borges’ language.

He has also published a number of books related to science fiction: En la tierra como en el cielo, cine estadounidense de ciencia ficción 1970-1989 (2019) and the collected where book of essays Ray Bradbury, el hombre centenario (2020). In 2022 he will publish another volume, about the Beat Generation and film, called Pull my Daisy y otras experimentaciones, with texts by a dozen Argentinian writers, researchers and professors.

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