Max Orsini
EBSN members & friends
Max Orsini, a poet, songwriter, and critical essayist from Brooklyn, New York, has lived, worked and traveled along the East Coast and in Europe. His scholarly interests include twentieth century American poetry, British Romanticism, Haiku and Aphoristic writings, Sufi Poetry, Zen Buddhist Poetry, Philosophy and Scared Texts, Contemporary Japanese Fiction, Contemporary Women’s Poetry, and African-American Literature of the twentieth century. Orsini’s interests extend beyond literature to Modern/Expressionist Painting, 60s folk music, and the philosophical writings of Alan Watts. Orsini is currently a Doctoral student of Arts and Letters working on his dissertation on Buddhism and Women Writers of Beat Generation at Drew University in New Jersey where he lives and works as an instructor of Writing in the University’s English Department. Orsini has contributed poetry to VIA and The Stillwater Review and has most recently contributed an article on the Buddhist influence in women’s literature of the Harlem Renaissance to the East West Journal Cerebration. Orsini is currently working on the publication of a paper entitled, “The “Fortified” Mind of a “Fragile” Soul: J.D. Salinger’s {Zen} Buddhist-Aesthetic Response to the Atrocities of the Second World War.” He is also working on a series of poems inspired by Buddhist art and thought.
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