I am a poet, translator, archivist, and editor living between New York and Granada. I am also a founding member of Pinsapo, an art and publishing experience with a particular focus on work in and about translation, as well as a contributing editor and archivist with Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative that publishes 20th century American writers and poets, including those of the Beat Generation. As part of the archical work I do with Lost & Found, I co-edited Gregory Corso: Naropa Lectures 1981 along with William Camponovo and Mary Catherine Kinniburg. I also conduct research on Diane di Prima archives and have translated her work into Turkish. In 2019, I edited and co-published Anne Waldman’s Mundo Aparte/Offworld, a bilingual Spanish/English collection of her prose poems. With Anne and her Fast Speaking Music band, I organized a small festival called Poet Tour in Granada and Madrid two years in a row —I hope to resume the Tour as soon as possible. I am currently translating Offworld and Fast Speaking Woman by Anne Waldman into Turkish for publication.

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