Regina Weinreich
EBSN members & friends
Regina Weinreich is a co-producer/director on the award-winning documentary Paul Bowles: The Complete Outsider and a writer on The Beat Generation: An American Dream. The author of the critical study, Kerouac’s Spontaneous Poetics (Southern Illinois University Press, 1987, Thunder’s Mouth, 2003), she edited and compiled Kerouac’s Book of Haikus (Viking, 2003) and wrote the introduction for Kerouac’s You’re a Genius All the Time (Chronicle Books, 2009). A leading scholar of the Beat Generation, she has contributed to numerous essay collections and literary journals including The Paris Review, Five Points, and The Review of Contemporary Fiction. As a journalist, her work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Village Voice, Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Talk Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, American Book Review, Hamptons Magazine, The Forward, The East Hampton Star, and on The Huffington Post, among others. In 2009, she co-organized a three-day celebration of the 50th anniversary of the publication of Naked Lunch in New York. She has taught “The Beat Generation” at Columbia University and at The School of Visual Arts where she is a professor in the Department of Humanities & Sciences.
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