Richard English
EBSN members & friends
Richard English is a Visiting Lecturer at Brunel University, where he teaches an MA Novel Writing course, and an Associate Fellow of the HEA.  He was educated at Haileybury and Kings College London where he obtained a first in philosophy and was a prizewinner.  In 2006, he completed an MA in Creative Writing at Birkbeck College.  His publications include: Sunrise with Sea Monsters (2012, Canonbury), Coping Successfully with Hepatitis C (2000, Constable-Robinson), Living with Hepatitis C (1997, Robinson), several short stories, and numerous rock reviews for Rocks Backpages. Richard is the recipient of awards from Arts Council England (Literature), the British Academy and Brunel University.  His research interests include addiction studies, the opiate novel, writing war and writing romance.
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