Sara Villa is a 2010-2011 ICASP postdoctoral fellow at CREUM Université de Montréal with a project on Jazz Poetry and the Beat Generation. In 2008-2010 she was a research fellow in a joint program between the Center for Jazz Studies at Columbia University and the State University of Milan, where she received her PhD in 2008. She is the translator into Italian of Windblown World (Kerouac’s journals), and the editor of a forthcoming collection of Kerouac’s jazz writings. She is also the author of articles on Virginia Woolf, and on Anglo-American contemporary cinema. Her monograph on Woolf’s Orlando (I due Orlando: dal romanzo di Virginia Woolf all’adattamento cinematografico di Sally Potter/Two Orlandos: From Virginia Woolf’s Novel to Sally Potter’s Film Adaptation) was recently published by CUEM, Milan.

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