Talal Hauchar
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Talal Hauchar is an English instructor at the Department of Applied Foreign Languages at the Université de Lorraine in Nancy, France, where he teaches courses in language and American culture, literature, and cinema. He is also a doctoral student on a joint PhD program between the Université de Lorraine in France and Masaryk University in the Czech Republic and is currently finishing his dissertation on the theme of authenticity in the works of Jack Kerouac, to be defended in December 2022. He studies Kerouac from an interdisciplinary approach, making use of post-classical narratology as well as cognitive and evolutionary approaches in dealing with authenticity, temporality, embodiment, the Other, spontaneity, and intersubjectivity.
He has given talks on the impact of the writings of the counterculture on social movements, literary journalism in the Middle East, and pragmatics. He has a book chapter titled “October 17 and Beyond: Crisis Reportage and the Birth of Literary and Experimental Journalism in Lebanon” which is featured in the forthcoming Routledge Companion to World Literary Journalism. Talal also writes articles for Al-Mayadeen’s online platform and is currently working on a novel:
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