The grauenfruppe

EBSN members & friends

An Austrian collective of four women authors writing and performing since 1996 on various stages and locations, like Stifterhaus Linz, Literaturhaus, MQ Tanzquartier, Porgy&Bess, Ensembletheater, Kosmostheater, Radio-Kulturhaus in Vienna.

In 2003, they were awarded the renowned Siemens Literaturpreis for their experimental text “Mathilda macht Fortschritte” (Mathilda’s Progress, published in .TXTOUR, Haymon, Innsbruck 2003).

In 2005, “Das Lexikon der Lust” (Encyclopedia of Pleasure) was published by Bibliothek der Provinz, Lower Austria.

We are:

Elke Papp (Mag.a): writer, performance artist, literature critic and essayist
Studied Comparative Literature, French, Theatre Studies and Philosophy at the University of Vienna
Participated in a number of classes at „schule für dichtung“, the Vienna School of Poetry
Language trainer, instructor of writing classes and workshops in social, health and education institutions.

Karin Seidner (Mag.a): writer, performance artist
Studied German Literature and English Language at the University of Vienna
Participated in a number of classes at „schule für dichtung“ , the Vienna School of Poetry
Language trainer, coach, adult educator, instructor of writing classes und artistic workshops for young people as well as adults in social, health and education institutions.

Martina Sinowatz MA: writer, performance artist, editor
Studied German Literature, Theatre Studies and Italian Language at the University of Vienna and the University of Southern California in Los Angeles
Language trainer for immigrants, creative workshops for children, instructor of artistic workshops in social, health and education institutions.

Daniela Beuren ( writer, performance artist, translator (German/English), designer of crossword puzzles, singer/songwriter Holds a doctor’s degree in Feminist Translation Studies from the University of Vienna and has taught there. Participated in a number of classes at „schule für dichtung“ , the Vienna School of Poetry
Works in a team of women translators and crossword puzzle designers.
Translations focus on feminism and gender issues, health, education, social matters and art.

Our connection to the Beats:

grauenfruppe is a collective of four women authors. We met through the Vienna Poetry School, where three of us took courses with Anne Waldman, Anne Tardos, Allen Ginsberg, Jack Collom, Ed Sanders, Ruth Weiss, Christian Ide Hintze, Andrew Schelling and many others. Two of us participated in the Summer Writing Program at Naropa University.

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