I have been an avid reader of the Beats since the age of 16, devouring all films, novels and obscure tapes that I could find. For my BA thesis, I discussed ‘On the Road’ and its film adaptation. And due to my personal interest, I cannot deny having been influenced by Kerouac, Ginsberg and Burroughs in my own work as a writer. What a blessing it has been getting to know the 50s Beats, being able to discuss and analyse them thoroughly in academia, and letting them inspire me on a daily basis. This inspiration stretches way beyond writing; it is a lifestyle which I very much adhere to. The train of thought behind the beat-scene, the beat life, has appealed to me ever since I first stumbled upon them. In fact, when I first heard about the Beats, I realised I found a group of like-minded people to which I already belonged to without knowing it.

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