Tony Trigilio
EBSN members & friends
Tony Trigilio is Professor of English and Creative Writing at Columbia College Chicago (U.S.). He is the author of Allen Ginsberg’s Buddhist Poetics, published by Southern Illinois UP in 2007 and reissued in paperback in 2012, and “Strange Prophecies Anew”: Rereading Apocalypse in Blake, H.D., and Ginsberg (Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2000). With Erik Mortenson, he co-edited The Beats and the Academy: A Renegotiation (Clemson UP/Liverpool UP, 2023), and he is editor of Elise Cowen: Poems and Fragments (Ahsahta Press, 2014). His recent books of creative nonfiction and poetry include Craft: A Memoir (Marsh Hawk Press, 2023), and Proof Something Happened, selected by Susan Howe as the winner of the Marsh Hawk Poetry Prize (Marsh Hawk, 2021), and Ghosts of the Upper Floor (BlazeVOX Books, 2019), the third installment of his multivolume poem, The Complete Dark Shadows (of My Childhood). A volume of his selected poems, Fuera del Taller del Cosmos was published in 2018 by Guatemala’s Editorial Poe (translated by Bony Hernández). He co-founder the poetry journal Court Green in 2004, and was an associate editor for Tupelo Quarterly from 2017-2021.
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