Poet, editor, and art administrator. Director of Edita (International Meeting of Independent Editors) since 1994 and director of Huelva’s Salón del Libro Iberoamericano (Latin American Book Fair). He is also the founder of the bilingual collection and the Spanish and Portuguese writers’ gathering Palabra Ibérica (Iberian Word). He has been awarded the Valencian Literature Award and the International Award Poesía Surcos. He is currently manager of Las Hojas del Baobab, the collection Garvm Poesía and the poetry magazine Alameda 39. He has published twelve poetry books which have been collected in Habitación Desnuda 1997/2007 / Naked Room 1997/2007 (Baile del Sol, 2007) and his essays can be found in Entre Candilejas y Barricadas / Between Footlights and Barricades (La Espiga Dorada, 2006). His poetry has been translated into Italian, Portuguese, English, Bulgarian, Turkish, Lithuanian, Catalán, and French.

He is the editor of the collections Mujeres en su Tinta, Poetas Españolas en el Siglo XXI / Women in Ink, Female Spanish Poets in the 21st Century (A Fortiori, 2021), Tan Lejos de Dios, Poesía Mexicana en la Frontera Norte / Away from God, Mexican Poetry in the Northern Frontier (UNAM and Baile del Sol, 2010), Tras los Claveles, 35 Poetas Portuguesas 1970-1999 / Behind the Carnations, 35 Portuguese Poets 1970-1999 (Garm Ediciones, 2022) and the flash fiction collection Un Minuto de Ternura / A Minute of Tenderness (Baile del Sol, 2016). He has published in Portugal the books Só mais uma vez (Livrododia, 2007), Os rapazes rebeldes (Lua de Marfim Editor, 2016), and Maldita seja a poesia (Poesia a Sul, 2022), and in Mexico Cien Días de Mayo / A Hundred Days in May (Homo Scriptum, 2006) and Tatuaje / Tattoo (Atemporía, 2009)

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