Udo Breger
EBSN members & friends
Udo Breger is a writer, photographer and publisher. He was a friend of William Burroughs and Brion Gysin. He was the editor and publisher of the seminal international magazine Soft Need of which there will be another issue, SOFT NEED 23, desigend as a 330-pages book to be published in 2019. His published work includes the book Identity Express (1973) and Road Stops (2016; in German) a memoir, including 150 of his photographs.
Udo Breger est un écrivain, photographe et éditeur. Il était un ami de William Burroughs et de Brion Gysin. Il a été l’éditeur et le rédacteur en chef du magazine Soft Need, dont le prochain numéron SOFT NEED 23, va paraître en 2019. Celui-ci sera conçu comme un livre de 330 pages. Les travaux de Udo Breger comprennent le livre Identity Express (1973) et Road Stops (2016 ; en allemand), un mémoire comprenant 150 de ses photographies.
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