Yannis Livadas
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Yannis Livadas is one of the most prolific and innovative among the modern Greek poets and also the most productive scholar and translator concerning modernist and postmodernist English and American literature -mainly specialized in the Beat Generation and the first period of American postmodernist poetry (1950-1972)- and haiku.He has translated a huge number of beat poets and writers and he has particularly delved into the work of Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso and Harold Norse. He is considered as the spokesman of the beat aesthetics in Greece, although as a poet he is largely dissented from the beat idiom. Periodically he contributes as a columnist and a freelancer to various literary magazines, both in Greece and other countries.In 1993 he invented the so-called “fusion sonnet”. According to Karen Van Dyck in Austerity Measures: The New Greek Poetry (Penguin Books 2016): ‘[h]e never fulfilled his Greek military service and refused to complete his formal schooling or attend university because of his individualist and anarchist beliefs. Since 2008 in both his own poetry and his literary criticism he promotes artistic production in which indeterminacy of meaning as well as syntactical and structural innovation, what he calls organic antimetathesis, is paramount’. During the last decade he also experimented with a new genre he calls autoreportage, processing the possibilities of both prose poetry and reportage, yet not as a hybrid but as a form of concurrent unfolding of organic antimetathesis. He was deeply connected with the jazz/avant-garde tradition and has produced important poetical works based on jazz improvisation. His poems have been translated into ten languages [English, French, Spanish, Hungarian, Bangla, Urdu, German, Croatian, Serbian, Japanese]. He has travelled extensively to India, Europe and North Africa. He lives in Paris, France.
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Yannis Livadas est l’un des poètes les plus prolifiques et les plus novateurs parmi les poètes grecs modernes. Il est également le traducteur le plus productif en matière de littérature anglaise et américaine, moderne et postmoderne (principalement la Beat Generation et la première période de la poésie postmoderne américaine) et de haïku. Il a traduit un très grand nombre de poètes et d’écrivains et s’est particulièrement intéressé au travail de Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso et Harold Norse. Il travaille périodiquement comme chroniqueur et pigiste sur divers magazines littéraires, en Grèce et dans d’autres pays. En 1993, il a inventé le “fusion sonnet“. Selon Karen Van Dyck, dans Austerity Measures: The New Greek Poetry (Penguin Books 2016) : « [h]e never fulfilled his Greek military service and refused to complete his formal schooling or attend university because of his individualist and anarchist beliefs. Since 2008 in both his own poetry and his literary criticism he promotes artistic production in which indeterminacy of meaning as well as syntactical and structural innovation, what he calls organic antimetathesis, is paramount ». Au cours de la dernière décennie, il a également expérimenté un nouveau genre littéraire appelé autoreportage, traitant à la fois les possibilités de la poésie en prose et du reportage, non pas comme une forme hybride mais comme une forme de déploiement simultané d’organic antimetathesis. Il est profondément attaché à la tradition jazz / avant-garde et a d’ailleurs produit d’importantes œuvres poétiques basées sur l’improvisation jazz. Ses poèmes ont été traduits en dix langues [anglais, français, espagnol, hongrois, bengali, urdu, allemand, croate, serbe, japonais]. Il a beaucoup voyagé en Inde, en Europe et en Afrique du Nord. Il habite maintenant à Paris, en France.
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