The Fifth Annual Conference, co-organised by Doug Field and Oliver Harris, was held in Manchester, hosted by The Wonder Inn, a city centre community arts venue. Reflecting the conference’s two central themes of music and science, there were keynote talks from CP Lee, a legend of Manchester’s music scene of the 1970s and ’80s, and from Andrew Lees, Professor of Neurology at UCL. From America, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, Spain, Turkey, and the UK, over 100 scholars, students, poets, musicians, filmmakers and publishers attended or participated, including performances by Libby Houston and Pete Brown, The Band of Holy Joy and Eric Andersen.
EBSN member Todd Swindell’s report of the conference:
We would like to thank the following for generously sponsoring the Fifth Annual Conference of the EBSN:
Arts Council, England; The British Association for American Studies; The John Rylands Research Institute, University of Manchester; Faculty of Humanities Public Engagement Award, University of Manchester; University of Manchester, English and American Studies; Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Cities@Manchester.
Final Programme:

Professor Andrew Lees

Lunch with Eva Correa and Estibaliz Encarnacion Pinedo

Oliver Harris with Viviane

Lunch, including Joost Damen

Lunch scene

Franca Bellarsi presenting

Viviane, Véronique Lane and Peggy Pacini

Lunch, including Peggy Pacini, Peter Hogg, Kurt Hemmer

CP Lee

Pete Brown, Simon Warner, Roger Bygott, Andrew Barker, CP Lee, Simon Morrison

Café scene, including Nat Ogle and Giordano Goffi

Audience, including Peggy Pacini and Steve Finbow

Andrew Lees Keynote
Video by Jan Schoof