EBSN Third Annual Conference
November 17-19, 2014
Held at the Hotel Chellah in Tangier, Morocco the third annual EBSN conference drew over 65 presenters and attendees for 3 days of presentations, performances, and dynamic conversation. Many thanks go out to Khalid Amine and the Hotel Chellah for hosting us in Tangier, to Oliver Harris and Polina Mackay for their work organizing the conference, and to all those in attendance who made this such a great event!
Below, you can find links to the Final Conference Program as well as a few articles about the event.
William Burroughs, Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg: Quand Tanger accueillait la Beat Generation – Al Huffington Post Maroc
Tánger, patria emocional y generación ‘beat’ – El Mundo (written by member Javier Mendoza)

l-r: Richard English, Sandra Barth, Alexander Greiffenstern, Franca Bellarsi, Greg Bevan, Benjamin J. Heal, Lars Movin

The Muttering Sickness

l-r: Frida Forsgren, Estibaliz E. Pinedo & Raven See

Benjamin J. Heal

Frank Rynne and Andy McGuiness

l-r: Oliver Harris, Eric Andersen, Regina Weinrich & Greg Bevan

Mo3ad Iha9d (El Haqed) & El Habib Louai

l-r: Cansu Soyupak, Greg Bevan, Maarten van Gageldonk and Jaap van der Bent

Jaap van der Bent & Regina Weinreich