Benjamin J. Heal
EBSN members & friends
Benjamin is currently assistant professor of American literature at National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. He completed his doctoral thesis titled “Transatlantic Crosscurrents: European Influences and Dissent in the Works of Paul Bowles and William S. Burroughs” at the University of Kent in 2016, and has presented conference papers and guest lectures on his work internationally. He has an essay in the collection Do You Bowles? The Next Generation (Brill, 2014), and has several articles awaiting publication. A current member of the EBSN Board, Benjamin has organized literary events, and has wider research interests that include film noir, Surrealism and translation.
Benjamin is also a poet, short story writer and musician. His experimental-rock band birdbath released three albums and a 7″ single, and he has released 5 solo noise-punk albums under the name cowman. He has also released music via the experimental noise-rock band Hitobashira-ni, which released an album in 2014. His acid-folk duo morimori released an album in 2016, and his experimental drone/loop project Coaxial has released two albums since 2018, all on Cruel Nature Recordings.
Coaxial – Reductio ad Absurdum
Coaxial – Neo/Ism
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