Jennie Skerl
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Jennie Skerl is a Founding Board member and Past President of the Beat Studies Association. She has published William S. Burroughs (Twayne, 1985), William S. Burroughs at the Front: Critical Reception, 1959-1989, (co-edited with Robin Lydenberg, Southern Illinois U P, 1991), A Tawdry Place of Salvation: The Art of Jane Bowles, (Southern Illinois U P, 1997), Reconstructing the Beats (Palgrave Macmillan, 2004), and The Transnational Beat Generation (co-edited with Nancy Grace, Palgrave, 2012), and In the Rebel Cafe: Interviews with Ed Sanders (Clemson University Press/Liverpool University Press, 2020). Dr. Skerl edited the Winter 2000 special issue of College Literature on Teaching Beat Literature and was a major contributor to the Dictionary of Literary Biography volume on the Beats (edited by Ann Charters, 1983). She has published invited introductions to the 25th anniversary edition of Naked Lunch (Grove, 1984), Speed by William Burroughs, Jr. (Overlook Press, 1984), William S. Burroughs: Time-Place-Word (Brown University exhibit catalog, ed. Eric Shoaf, 2000), and the foreword to Retaking the Universe: William Burroughs in the Age of Globalization (ed. Davis Schneiderman and Philip Walsh, Pluto, 2004.). She was a contributor to the Dictionary of Literary Biography volume on the Beats (edited by Ann Charters, 1983), the Encyclopedia of Beat Literature (edited by Kurt Hemmer, 2007), and Naked Lunch @ 50 (edited by Oliver Harris and Ian Macfadyen, Southern Illinois University Press, 2009). An essay on Ed Sanders’s “Sappho on East Seventh” was published in Hip Sublime: Beat Writers and the Classical Tradition (edited by Sheila Murnaghan and Ralph M. Rosen, Ohio State UP, 2018), and an interview with Sanders appeared in the Journal of Beat Studies, volume 6 (2018). Dr. Skerl retired as Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at West Chester University.
Jennie Skerl fait partie des membres fondateurs et est l’ancienne présidente de la Beat Studies Association. Elle a publié William S. Burroughs (Twayne, 1985), William S. Burroughs at the Front: Critical Reception, 1959-1989 (en collaboration avec Robin Lydenberg, Southern Illinois UP, 1991), A Tawdry Place of Salvation: The Art of Jane Bowles (Southern Illinois UP, 1997), Reconstructing the Beats (Palgrave Macmillan, 2004) et The Transnational Beat Generation (co-édité avec Nancy Grace, Palgrave, 2012), et In the Rebel Cafe: Interviews with Ed Sanders (Clemson University Press/Liverpool University Press, 2020). Dr. Skerl a également édité le numéro spécial de l’hiver 2000 de College Literature sur l’enseignement de la littérature beat et a largement contribué au volume du Dictionary of Literary Biography consacré aux Beats (édité par Ann Charters, 1983). Elle a rédigé l’introduction de l’édition du 25e anniversaire de Naked Lunch (Grove, 1984), Speed de William Burroughs, Jr. (Overlook Press, 1984), William S. Burroughs: Time-Place-Word (catalogue d’expositions de l’Université Brown, ed. Eric Shoaf, 2000), et l’avant-propos de Retaking the Universe: William Burroughs in the Age of Globalization (éd. Davis Schneiderman et Philip Walsh, Pluto, 2004.). Elle a contribué au Dictionary of Beat Literature (éd. par Kurt Hemmer, 2007), et Naked Lunch @ 50 (éd. par Oliver Harris et Ian McFayden, Southern Illinois University Press, 2009). Elle a publié « Sappho Comes to the Lower East Side: Ed Sanders, the Sixties Avant-Garde and Fictions of Sappho » dans Hip Sublime: Beat Writers and the Classical Tradition, sous la direction de Sheila Murnaghan et Ralph M. Rosen (Ohio State UP, 2018). Et une interview avec Sanders a été publiée dans Journal of Beat Studies, volume 6 (2018). Dr. Skerl a pris sa retraite en tant que « Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences » à la West Chester University.
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