Oliver Harris — Making Naked Lunch: Two Appetisers

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Oliver Harris: Making Naked Lunch: Two Appetisers, Moloko Print, 2023

Bilingual edition / German translation: Pociao

From the blurb of this beautiful edition:
“…‘Making Naked Lunch: Two Appetizers’ serves up rewritten versions of two illustrated talks originally given at Columbia University in New York and previously published by Reality Studio, a website that has championed the crossover between academic and popular engagement with Burroughs’ work. Each essay re-examines the standard reception of Burroughs’ writing from the 1950s, revealing the secret centres of truth within the generally misleading myths we have all heard about his writing of ‘Junky’, ‘Queer’, ‘The Yage Letters’ and ‘Naked Lunch’. These rich, tasty morsels of manuscript research should whet the appetite for anyone wanting to understand why the material backstories to Burroughs’ work are even more fascinating than the mythology.”

MOLOKO PRINT 118 | 2022
© Oliver Harris
Cover & Layout. Robert Schalinski
Font. Aldus
Print. BookPress.eu
Printed in Interzone 2022
ISBN 978-3-948750-20-6

Price: 20,00 Euro

Link to the publisher’s website: http://www.molokoplusrecords.de/finder.php?folder=News&content=198