EBSN Publishing

website publishing

Chaired by Oliver Harris (Professor of American Literature at Keele University), EBSN Publishing comprises: Doug Field (Professor in 20th Century American Literature at Manchester University), Alexander Greiffenstern (Independent instructor and scholar), A. Robert Lee (former Professor of American Literature at Nihon University), and Estíbaliz Encarnación Pinedo (UCAM University, Murcia).

Website Publishing

The EBSN website hosts reviews, interviews and other short pieces of scholarship, and our aim is to expand this area by publishing longer texts based on papers from the annual EBSN conference and beyond as a web journal The EBSN. Publishing on the site is a great way to make your work widely available.

We’re looking to promote clearly written, high quality original work on any topic in the broad Beat field of literature and the arts. However, we will work with you on your text, offer advice and suggest corrections, and would not publish anything that didn’t make a valuable contribution to the field.


Drawing on our experience and expertise in the Beat field, we’re happy to offer advice on how best to turn your conference paper into an article published in an academic journal. This might include how to identify the right journal for your work and how to tailor your writing to its requirements. We will also offer feedback on draft versions.


What about word length?

Our preference is to publish anything between 2,500 and 5,000 words. Longer work will also be considered.

What about pictures?

If you can provide reasonable quality images that don’t require permission to publish, we’re happy to include up to half a dozen.

What about academic style?

We’re happy for the work to be in any academic style (e.g. MLA or Harvard) so long as it is consistently applied, although our preference is for the MLA system.

If accepted, when would work be published?

We can’t make a firm commitment, because it depends so much on workload; but we will always aim to publish as soon as possible and to keep you informed.

What are we looking for?

We want to publish high quality work that makes an original contribution to the field and reflects well on both the author and the EBSN, and so it is possible we decide that a particular piece is not suitable for publishing if it doesn’t meet our standards.

Must it be in English?

No, we can also help with work in French, German and Spanish, although we would aim to publish an English version too.

Who to contact?

To publish any scholarship or articles on the site or in The EBSN, please get in touch with Oliver at [email protected], and one of the Editorial Board will get back in touch shortly.