Editor: Oliver Harris (Emeritus Professor of American Literature at Keele University)
Frequency: Annual
The first online, open-access journal dedicated to scholarship on the Beat Generation. The EBSN is committed to providing an open forum for argument, comment, and theory on Beat-related subjects ranging from rebellion against conformity to poetic experimentation.
The EBSN, Issue 2, 2024 (pdf link coming soon):
“No glot . . . C’lom Fliday . . .” William S. Burroughs’ Curious Chinese, by Benjamin J. Heal
“Have you seen death singing”: Patti Smith’s Haunted Imaginary, by Vincent Tinguely
Articles, reports, interviews, reviews:
Oliver Harris: Les “Cut-Ups” de William Burroughs, perdus et retrouvés dans la traduction
Joan Vollmer’s Death, by R J Ellis
Not Everything Is Permitted, A Review of Luca Guadagnino’s Queer, by Oliver Harris.
The EBSN, Issue 1, 2023 (pdf link coming soon ):
William Burroughs and Jazz: Contexts, Functions and Resonances – by Benjamin J. Heal
Articles, reports, interviews, reviews:
Henry Miller and the Core Beat Writers: Some Exploratory Notes – by R.J. Ellis
Interview with Tony Trigilio on Elise Cowen by Isabel Castelao-Gómez
Publisher: European Beat Studies Network
European Beat Studies Network e.V. Berlin, OI
ISSN: 3078-9141
Author Guidelines
Critical essays, reviews, popular-culture columns, and notices may be submitted via email as an attached Microsoft Word file. Creative works will be considered.
Send correspondence or submissions to [email protected].
Electronic submissions should be as a Microsoft Word file. Please make sure that the document’s text and properties do not identify you as the author.
MLA or MHRA format is recommended for documentation in essays. Please ensure consistency.
The EBSN does not have a specific word length requirement and can publish long pieces. Essays appearing in the journal tend to be between 4,000 and 11,000 words. Please include an abstract of up to 200 words in length with your submission.
The EBSN can publish still images, sound, and YouTube videos as part of your text.
Peer Review Policy:
Work submitted to The EBSN should have a clear focus and argument and should make its claims with reference to relevant works and fields. The EBSN mostly publishes essays of 4,000-11,000 words but also encourages experimental work. The journal will also consider English and non-English translations of theory or work deemed suitable for the journal.
In the interest of authors, the journal considers simultaneous submission, but not work already published elsewhere. All submissions are screened by the editors in-house. Work that is suitable for the journal is sent to two reviewers from the journal’s editorial board for double-anonymous review. Authors may be asked to revise their work, depending on the reviewers’ comments, at which point work will return to the reviewers who requested revisions. Initial consideration can take 1-4 weeks; outside review varies, depending on the availability of expert reviewers, but usually takes 8-10 weeks.
Journal Editor: Oliver Harris (Emeritus Professor of American Literature at Keele University)
Editorial Staff: Lucie Malagnat (Independent scholar)
Editorial Board:
Doug Field (Professor in 20th Century American Literature at Manchester University),
Alexander Greiffenstern (Independent instructor and scholar)
Robert Lee (former Professor of American Literature at Nihon University)
Estíbaliz Encarnación Pinedo (University of Murcia).