September 2017


The French Ticket That Exploded
Sept. 21, 8:00pm at Les Instants Chavirés, Paris.
A night of poetry with Sylvain Courtoux, Joachim Montessuis,
Jennifer Scappettone, Lucien Suel, Clive Matson and Gael Alcock, curated by Peggy Pacini.
Admission free


Ongoing Guerrilla Conditions
Sept. 22, 8.00pm at Les Instants Chavirés, Paris.
Music and performance featuring Lydia Lunch (solo performance), Kevin Barrington,
Eric Andersen, Ramuntcho Matta, Michele Gazich and Inge Bakkenes (World premier of “From Rimbaud to Burroughs and Baudelaire to Camus: The Invention of the Modern Mind”), Joachim Montessuis, and Burroughs based sound mixes by Frank Rynne
Admission free to conference attendees

Prof R J (Dick) Ellis, Visiting Professor of Cultural History at the University of Chichester (and EBSN member) presents:

Gerald Nicosia, author of Memory Babe, the famous biography of Jack Kerouac, is visiting the University of Chichester, Chichester, Sussex UK.

All are welcome to the events!

Date: Friday 29 September 2017

13.00 hours
The Genesis of Home to War: Talk by Gerry Nicosia on his work with Vietnam Veterans and Ron Kovic in particular
14.45 hours
The Mythological Kerouac, the Popular Kerouac and the real Kerouac
talk by Gerry Nicosia with Q + A session (w. Dick Ellis)
17.00 hours
Gerry Nicosia reading poems, particularly from his collection Ghost of Kerouac. This will be accompanied by wine refreshment.

Admission is free

All are welcome!

[-A great opportunity to see Gerald Nicosia in person, especially for those unable to come to the Paris EBSN conference!]