In this section, you can find short articles, reports, reflections and interviews. If you have an idea for a piece please send us an email. Please click on the links below to read our current articles and interviews.
NEW May 2024: Interview with Tony Triglio on Elise Cowen, by Isabel Castelao-Gómez
Oliver Harris interviewed by David Garyan
William S. Burroughs SF Machine: An Interview with Clémentine Hougue by Oliver Harris. December 2021
Corso@UConn – 1996 recording of Gregory Corso reading
On The Life of a Titan: Lawrence Ferlinghetti (1919-2021)
Diane di Prima: A Phone Conference / Poetry Reading and Discussion of Her Life (2000)
This kind of bird flew backwards: Diane di Prima (1934-2020)
An interview with Philippe Tancelin, by Nina Zivancevic
Jürgen Ploog: A Terminal Landing
Obituary for Genesis P’Orridge
Jean Fanchette : Two Cities et la Beat Generation
Visiones Divinas (Devine Visions: Allen Ginsberg’s Peruvian Trip)
William S. Burroughs and Malcolm McNeill’s Lost Mayan Caper
Spanish Translations of On the Road
Farid Ghadami interviewed by Erik Mortenson
THE LAST QUARTER CENTURY : An Interview with Gerald Nicosia by Kurt Hemmer
Jean-François Duval interviewé par Lucie Malagnat
Théophile Aries interviewé par Lucie Malagnat
Julien Delmaire interviewé par Lucie Malagnat
THE FRENCH GENEALOGY OF THE BEAT GENERATION: Véronique Lane interviewed by Douglas Field
THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO THE BEATS: Steven Belletto interviewed by Oliver Harris
THE LAST DAYS OF JAN KEROUAC: Gerry Nicosia interviewed by Oliver Harris
Andrew Lees Interviewed by David Holzer
A Conversation with ruth weiss by Thomas Antonic
1985 Interview of Felicity Mason/Anne Cumming – by Jennie Skerl
Carolyn Cassady Interviewed by Polina Mackay