EBSN Voices

Interviews & reflections

Conversations and insights from key figures in the Beat community

In this section, you can find short articles, reports, reflections and interviews. If you have an idea for a piece please send us an email. Please click on the links below to read our current articles and interviews.

NEW May 2024Interview with Tony Triglio on Elise Cowen, by Isabel Castelao-Gómez

Tony Trigilio in conversation with Stevan M. Weine on Best Minds: How Allen Ginsberg Made Revolutionary Poetry from Madness (Fordham University Press, 2023)

Oliver Harris interviewed by David Garyan

“Amongst Nazis: William S. Burroughs in Vienna” 1936/37 – An interview with Thomas Antonic by David Holzer

GENIUS MYSTICAL POET & PHOTOGRAPHER, IRA COHEN, & THE STORY OF BARDO MATRIX – An interview with Allan Graubard (AG) by Matthew McLaughlin (MM)

William S. Burroughs SF Machine: An Interview with Clémentine Hougue by Oliver Harris. December 2021

Corso@UConn – 1996 recording of Gregory Corso reading

On The Life of a Titan: Lawrence Ferlinghetti (1919-2021)

Diane di Prima: A Phone Conference / Poetry Reading and Discussion of Her Life (2000)

The Ur-Text of the Beats: A Conversation with A. Robert Lee on The Joan Anderson Letter by Kurt Hemmer

This kind of bird flew backwards: Diane di Prima (1934-2020)


An interview with Philippe Tancelin, by Nina Zivancevic

Jürgen Ploog: A Terminal Landing

Obituary for Michael McClure

Obituary for Genesis P’Orridge

John Giorno Obituary

Jack Kerouac as Artist

Jean Fanchette : Two Cities et la Beat Generation

Visiones Divinas (Devine Visions: Allen Ginsberg’s Peruvian Trip)

William S. Burroughs and Malcolm McNeill’s Lost Mayan Caper

Burroughs Called the Law

Burroughs’ Library

Spanish Translations of On the Road


Farid Ghadami interviewed by Erik Mortenson

THE LAST QUARTER CENTURY : An Interview with Gerald Nicosia by Kurt Hemmer

Jean-François Duval interviewé par Lucie Malagnat

Théophile Aries interviewé par Lucie Malagnat

Julien Delmaire interviewé par Lucie Malagnat

THE FRENCH GENEALOGY OF THE BEAT GENERATION: Véronique Lane interviewed by Douglas Field

THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO THE BEATS: Steven Belletto interviewed by Oliver Harris

THE LAST DAYS OF JAN KEROUAC: Gerry Nicosia interviewed by Oliver Harris

Andrew Lees Interviewed by David Holzer

Writing, Studying and Teaching Burroughs: An interview with Sean Bolton Recorded and Transcribed by Benjamin J. Heal

A Conversation with ruth weiss by Thomas Antonic

1985 Interview of Felicity Mason/Anne Cumming – by Jennie Skerl

Carolyn Cassady Interviewed by Polina Mackay

Johny Brown Interviewed by Oliver Harris

Théophile Aries Interviewed by Oliver Harris